Hot off the press: The Text+ Blog is online
Here we go: Text+ has its own blog. After the soft launch at our Plenary meeting in September 2022, we are officially online as of today. The blog covers topics related to text- and language-based research data in research, research data management, from an IT perspective, and in teaching and training students and postgraduate researchers who aim to work in this field.
We will present the ongoing activities of the consortium and its participating members and institutions as well as its current cooperations and projects. In other words: We offer a look behind the scenes, an insight into a research data infrastructure in the making. To that end, the blog complements the communication efforts of Text+ such as our Twitter account, our website, and our Zenodo community. During our launch week, we will add new posts daily. After that, we will post at least once per month.
Most of our authors are Text+ members. We warmly invite guest authors to provide us with an outsider’s/collaborator’s perspective. While most of the posts will be in German, we are open to receiving submissions in other languages as well.
The Text+ blog is an opportunity
- to present (interim) results but also ideas that are still work in progress
- to initiate discussions
- to give examples of good practice
- to provide tips and tricks
- to raise questions
- to make a point
- to notify the community of events, calls, and publications
- to advertise your favorite tool
- to announce interesting resources
- to raise visibility
- to foster networking
- and so on and so forth …
We are starting with a team of 10 editors and would love for you to join us. Who takes on which editorial tasks (and how often) is a matter of individual availability. What’s most important: We do not consider our self gatekeepers, but enablers. It is the activities of the community that make the blog!
Cite this article as
Annika Wienert, Hot off the press: The Text+ Blog is online, in: Text+ Blog, 11/07/2022,
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